I bought a watch with a compass ring around the face. I adore the compass as an instrument. I think that knowing the difference between NORTH and NORTHWEST by 15 degrees is as important as between wheat and whole grain. Fine for most folks. A sort of small tragedy for me. Not that I care about wheat and whole grain, but my mother seems to sometimes. There is no needle for my compass, though. It is a cosmetic compass. A total fake. A pain in the arse.
Dogs aren't all that clean here. I'm frightened of them.

We're settling for the streets these days. We as in the world. I'm speaking for all of us tonight. There are boats on the Oxford Canal. Beautiful long boats, less than ten feet high, painted like pottery, with lover's flowers growing out of bags of top soil on their roofs. These are house boats, floating mobile homes, with dogs and cats inside and men on the decks reading and fishing. Give me a boat and I'll leave you on the edge of the world. And we're on the streets? Like chess. Like playing at disease. Give me a boat and I'll take you to the next stage. Give me a boat and like children we will bloom from sun to sun.
hey wiz...keep looking for the invisible lessons of life! Love, Dad
Y'know, is it too much to ask for a simple synopsis of what you're doing over there? I see through the veneer.
omgjk. srsly.
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