If at all possible, twice a week, walk through town with headphones on. Big buggers of headphones that block out most of the noises that distract you. Pick music that keeps you in step, but not too fast. Then start looking around without letting people know it. Without ambiance, the world appears to move a lot slower, and everyone's movements appear absolutely deliberate. When fashionable women turn their heads, you can follow the glance as far as you want, and inevitably there is a man, a lovely man in slacks with shoulders and hair and pace to his life, or another fashionable woman, one who we all know should be mimicked, except that nothing can be done because she will change with you, outrun you, and leave you a little too happy. They look at each other though, some mason's glance, recognition. What a dult you are when you listen to music in town. These things are not meant for you.
Later in the day, sit in your flat listening to something powerful. Some giant of composition. Read and read and read. Share in the gospel of the stuff, the mix of art. You'll have heroin rush memories of the literature. Heighten all your senses as often as you can, because otherwise you are a dult walking through the streets not listening.
Name the backs of people. She is an Erin. He is a Lliam. She is an Ova. He is my friend Thomas. The streets friendly up.
Eat a crayfish sandwish out of the box, because like I said, it is so delicious. It's as if you've never heard of the
Look at a map, but don't bring it with you. Keep possibility in your right eye and use your left for x-ray vision, because so many times the road is on the other side of some large building in a square. There are no short cuts here. So if you're looking at a map, the straighter the better, and then why bring the map? Purchase all kinds of post cards and let them sit before you miss someone. Send them out one at a time.
Relish the wet ground, because when the sun comes angrily forward, the ground squints and gives him a fresh from bed smile, and this relationship is good for them both. It produces growth, which as I said will kill us. And since it will kill us, enjoy it.
1 comment:
I love this. Thanks
Also, don't be afraid to hyphenate.
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